Drug Rehab in Longview, TX

Drug rehab refers to the process of breaking the psychological and physical dependence a person has on substances like heroin, cocaine or prescription medications. Therapists, doctors, nurses and other professionals such as community service leaders all can be involved in this process. Drug rehab in Longview, TX also refers to facilities where this process happens. The overall purpose of drug rehab programs is to restore mental and physiological health, as well as to mend relationships that might have suffered as a result of the user's addiction.

Drug rehab programs typically start with a detoxification period, which usually lasts about a week depending on the substance and history of use. During this time, professionals typically monitor the addict to make sure they get through withdrawal symptoms -- e.g., tremors, hallucinations, anxiety, sweating, nausea -- safely. In many cases, detoxification in drug and alcohol rehab involves medications that ease withdrawal symptoms. This is important because the odds of moving forward in the recovery process greatly improve if the user can get past the withdrawal discomforts that otherwise might drive them back to using again.

Once a person has safely made it through drug detox in Longview, professionals use various types of therapies to help the addict understand why they use. The professionals also help the addict establish new behavior patterns and coping strategies. Most facilities that offer drug rehab in Longview continue this work for at least three weeks, although it's not unusual to find programs that last for several months. These longer programs have been shown to be more successful.

The last stage of drug and alcohol rehab is reintegration or aftercare. Although the therapies the addict has been receiving usually don't stop, the addict doesn't have to attend sessions as often. The addict makes an effort, with the support of professionals, to get back to their regular life and contribute to society in a meaningful way again. It is at this point that the addict typically connects with community service leaders, who can provide help with housing, education, employment and other areas to smooth the transition.

Common Drug Addiction Trends and Usage

As in other areas of the nation, Texas drug rehab facilities are seeing high instances of alcohol abuse, with alcohol representing 27 percent of all admissions to Texas DSHS-funded treatment programs in 2015. But ecstasy/MDMA (30.6 percent), marijuana/hashish (22.6 percent), heroin (14.6 percent) and methamphetamine (12.6 percent) are also concerns. All other substances represent 5 percent or less of admissions, with most less than 1 percent.

Treatment Options

Individuals who enter drug rehab in Longview have two main treatment choices, the first of which is outpatient. Although the detox period still often is within a specialized facility, after that time, the addict goes back home and continues treatment by checking in based on a formal schedule. The big benefits to outpatient are that it is less disruptive and not as costly. But because outpatient enables the addict to stay within their normal environment, the addict also is exposed to environmental stressors that could trigger use. For this reason, outpatient is best for those with a strong support system, and who have milder addiction.

The second option for drug rehab in Longview is inpatient. This option has the addict stay at the treatment facility the entire time. Although inpatient is more expensive and requires that the individual make more plans regarding family and work, they're surrounded by professionals who can provide continuous monitoring and accountability. Some inpatient facilities are considered "luxury", offering amenities and therapies like horseback riding and swimming, but these are the exception rather than the rule and are the priciest.

Why Should I Enter a Drug Rehab?

When an individual enters rehab, withdrawal symptoms can be extremely uncomfortable -- and this is the best-case scenario. In the worst instances, symptoms such as elevated body temperature or stroke can be life-threatening. The monitoring and medication an addict receives makes withdrawal easier to stand and reduces the risk of death.

Aside from providing increased safety, professionals at a treatment center are trained to get at the heart of the addict's use. They know how to get the addict to face tough issues and explore who they are and who they can be. They also can connect the addict to resources and facilitate the healing process between the addict and their loved ones. Without their support, the addict might recover, but the process likely would be much slower.

Lastly, many addicts are not used to taking care of themselves. Individuals to enter treatment programs in Longview, however, are surrounded by caring, compassionate experts. They finally have a chance to focus on themselves without worrying about anything else. This is often a life-changing experience that helps the addict come to terms with the fact they're worth the fight of recovery. Call now for help (877) 804-1531.

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