Addiction Treatment in Longview, TX

Addiction is a chronic condition that occurs as a result of using drugs or alcohol. Experts who provide addiction treatment in Longview, TX regard the condition as the last stage of substance abuse. Addiction happens when a person repeatedly takes drugs or alcohol over time, but how quickly a person becomes addicted depends on a variety of factors, including the specific substance, use frequency, dose and individual biology

The characteristics of addiction remain the same regardless of which substance is involved. These include

  • A change in the ability of the user's brain to produce dopamine and other chemicals without the substance.
  • Physical withdrawal symptoms if the individual tries to stop using (e.g., vomiting, trembling)
  • Emotional distress if the individual tries to stop using (e.g., depression, anxiety)
  • Inability to stop using the substance even when aware of potential negative consequences.
  • Responding to external cues that trigger substance use.
  • Dysfunctional emotional response.
  • Difficulty recognizing problems with behaviors and relationships.
  • Impaired behavior control.
  • Cravings.
  • Tolerance to increasing amounts of the substance.
  • Loss of control over how much or how often the person uses.

Perhaps the most important thing to remember about addiction is that, because the substance physically alters the user's brain, the individual isn't in the driver's seat anymore. They cannot simply will themselves past withdrawal. For this reason, loved ones shouldn't assume that addicts are weak or don't care simply because they struggle to recover. The fact addiction robs addicts of physical and perceptual wellness is also the biggest reason why professional care is so essential.

Why Does One Become an Addict?

Researchers are still trying to understand exactly what makes a person become an addict. They believe that genetics might play a role, affecting how physically vulnerable a person is to responding to various substances. But they also think that an individual's environment matters. For example, some people who end up needing addiction treatment in Longview begin using because they are pressured by friends and want to feel included or important. Others use it as a maladaptive behavior to cope with different types of stress, such as that from an excessive workload or traumatic experience. Many individuals turn to drugs or alcohol to alleviate the symptoms of other mental disorders. Addiction treatment in Longview also can become necessary when a person tries to use drugs or alcohol to self-medicate from physical pain. Still others are curious about how using will feel or are looking for excitement.

In short, there isn't a single path to addiction. And as the National Institute on Drug Abuse points out, no single factor can predict if a person will become an addict. But the more risk factors a person has, the greater the odds are that using a substance will lead to addiction.

Why Should I Enter an Addiction Treatment Center?

Getting addiction treatment in Longview offers major benefits, the first of which is safety. Professionals at addiction treatment centers are specifically trained to handle the psychological and physical symptoms of withdrawal. Some of these symptoms, such as hallucinations, thoughts of suicide or seizures, can be life-threatening. The monitoring someone receives at a facility, combined with properly administered medications, can make the addict much more comfortable and significantly decrease the risk of fatality.

Even if a person can detox safely, they might not fully understand or be willing to face the underlying reasons why they use. They need professionals to provide fresh perspective, help them understand their triggers and establish new, healthier behaviors. Professionals are also excellent sources of accountability and information. They can make sure the addict follows their treatment plan and educate both the addict and their loved ones about what addiction and recovery entails.

From the statistical standpoint, it's hard to pin down just how successful drug and alcohol rehab in Longview is, simply because there isn't a standard definition for rehab. Relapse rates are admittedly quite high, only 20 percent of addicts are still clean after five years. But experts also point out that relapse isn't an indication of bad treatment. Rather, it's merely an indication that the addict has reached a point where tweaks to their relapse prevention in Longview are necessary. Thus, instead of basing the decision to enter drug and alcohol rehab on these numbers, look at whether the programs for addiction treatment you're considering can offer quality care, not just whether they handle high numbers of patients. The more continuing care (e.g., helping clients establish community roots, providing education, etc.) programs for addiction treatment provide, the more likely they are to provide good results. Call now for help at (877) 804-1531.

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